Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Inevitables

There are certain small things in everyday life which often go wrong and irritates us. The effect is not fatal at all, but intensely irritating. From a first hand experience, let me list at least some of them .
  • While coming back from grocery, with six polypacks equally distributed in both hands, I climb up the stairs and stop in front of my apartment door, gasping for breath. Then, shifting all the six packs in my right hand, when I put the left hand in the left pocket of my trousers, it happens in 95% of the cases that the keys lie in my right pocket!!
  • There is a small pocket on the side of the driver's seat in my car, made for storing the cellphone. Before driving, normally I keep my cell phone there so that I can attend any call while driving. But I don't get any calls then. Sometimes, if the cell phone remains in my jeans pocket instead by mistake, inevitably I will get a call. Twisting and turning, as I collect the phone from the pocket, the caller disconnects from the other side !
  • Whenever I try to collect my homework from a bunch of copies (back home and here as well), in most of the cases, mine will be at the very bottom if I start searching from the top, and will be in the middle somewhere if I start from the bottom !!
  • While making tea or boiling milk, as long as I keep staring at the burner so that the milk does not spill , nothing happens. Getting tired, whenever I turn my attention to something else for 15 seconds, the milk overflows and spills all over the burner, causing the fire to extinguish in some cases!!
  • Many times it has happened (and will happen in future as well) that while waiting for a bus to take me Saltlake, I get buses heading towards every other possible routes except Saltlake. A crowded bus will appear at last, testing my patience at the highest level of tolerance!!
Somebody rightly commented that trivial things bother us more than vital ones!

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